How to Photograph Bees with a Phone Camera: Pros & Cons

ft Emmanuel Farrugia | ABA of NSW Field Day 2019

Recorded Live at Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW 2019 Field Day, Emmanuel Farrugia talks a little about the theory of capturing photos with your phone camera. As a beekeeper, a phone camera is a handy device. And although phone cameras have many advantages, there are probably just as many dis-advantages. But if you consider a few options, a beekeeper can use a phone camera to get some great shots.

This video was made possible because of the generosity and willingness of the presenter, to share knowledge and expertise. And also with the assistance in the form of a subsidy from the Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW. Thanks to all in the ABA and others involved in this project who supported it’s release. You can find out more about the ABA at

A special thanks to the illawarra beekeepers assoc. inc. for the use of their venue and facilities. You can find out more about illawarra beekeepers at

Heaps more videos produced and ready to go soon so subscribe to us on youtube & you’ll get updates as soon as they’re released.


00:00 intro by Neal Robinson

01:29 phone camera pros

02:45 phone camera cons

03:48 phone camera cons & some solutions

06:25 phone camera tips

06:50 composition

07:38 lighting

08:11 macro sharpness

09:08 using a camera trigger

09:39 steady shots

09:59 free editing apps for your phone camera

11:25 storage for all your photos and videos

12:23 perspective find different angles

12:55 fill your frame

13:11 negative space

13:32 reflections

14:00 depth of field

15:05 create abstracts

15:24 experiment and have fun

15:45 Q&A

15:53 storing high resolution shots from your phone camera in the cloud

16:53 using an external headphone cable with your phone camera

17:11 using a bluetooth selfie stick as a remote

17:45 attaching a mini camera to a bee, is it possible?

19:31 editing JPG photos on your phone camera

20:24 shots of queens laying eggs?

This is another video in a number that we have produced for members of the illawarra beekeepers Association and all hobby beekeepers for the management of their colonies.

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