beekeeping video

Bee Stings First Aid & Treatment

Bee Stings (Part 2) First Aid & Treatment

ft Dr Lamorna Osborne

Bee Stings (part 2) First Aid & Treatment

In our second installment of bee stings, Dr Lamorna Osborne looks at First Aid & Treatment to aid quick recovery when a bee stings you. Dr Osborne is not only a GP but first started beekeeping back in 2011. Since then, she has been stung a few times, but her personal beekeeping experience has given her many opportunities to observe the best treatments. In this video we cover many points including removing the stinger, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, reaching emergency services, topical treatments, epipens, adrenaline, and relieving anxiety after being stung. We also look at the facts and figures behind bee stings versus other stings that have led to hospital admission.

Heaps more videos produced and ready to go soon so subscribe to us on youtube & you’ll get updates as soon as they’re released.


00:00 intro bee stings and first aid & treatment

00:52 worldwide bee stings trends

01:01 not all states in USA have Africanized bees check our link in the description for more info

01:08 offering the level of allergies and other reactions to bee stings

01:33 how serious are bee stings

02:00 bee sting stats for Australia

02:37 over 13 years 40,000 people were hospitalised with 27 deaths from all venomous creatures

02:48 what’s happening with allergies

04:12 Australian figures for allergies

04:16 0.2% of children develop anaphylaxis

04:27 3% of adults can develop anaphylaxis

04:44 about 1 third of beekeepers in Australia reside in NSW

05:46 what triggers anaphylaxis

06:25 others washing beekeeper clothes can beat risk of anaphylaxis

06:45 being stung a lot does not make you immune to anaphylaxis

07:02 first aid treatment for bee stings

07:12 first aid treatment anaphylaxis from bee stings

07:57 call 000 or the emergency number in your area

08:27 firstly remove the sting(s) out to stop the venom dose

08:42 using cortisone cream to treat bee stings

09:14 using anti-histamine to treat bee stings

09:58 using epipens & adrenaline to treat bee stings

10:00 intro bee stings and first aid

10:40 considerations for epipen (or adrenaline) use in beekeeper clubs to be used only by suitably trained individuals

11:26 note the EpiPen expiry date

13:33 being stung multiple times at once

14:10 examples of multiple bee stings

14:28 ensure to remove any sting(s) first then follow the steps of first aid

15:07 never squeeze or pinch out a sting with tweezers or fingers always scrape out the sting to avoid more venom injected into the patient

15:26 in case of emergency call 000 or the emergency number in your area

15:34 avoid dehydration give water or a drink with electrolytes

15:50 ENSURE stingers are removed properly then take First Aid steps

16:14 administering first aid for a patient stung by bees

16:35 anaphylaxis first aid

17:28 checking pulse rate & other signs

17:54 elevating legs

20:51 if you are stung by bees and you are alone

22:01 consider CPR if needed

22:15 learn more about First Aid by doing a course in your area

23:03 more info on anaphylaxis

24:16 end

This is another video in a number that we have produced for members of the illawarra beekeepers Association and all hobby beekeepers for the management of their colonies.

See More Free Beekeeping Videos

We will be adding more beekeeping videos soon. And you can see other videos published already in the links below,


Part Time Beekeeper and full-time bee enthusiast.

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